Even if a person has a little bit of acne when they are in their younger years, their skin is usually smooth, soft, and has an even tone overall. Unfortunately, all of these things can start to change as a person gets older. One of the things that can plague an individual as they get up in years is brown spots. These may be the result of too much exposure to the sun.
Is there anything that you can do about brown spots? The great news is that the answer is yes! Taking advantage of professional treatments is a great way for you to treat your brown spots, as well as improve the overall condition of your skin.
You may be wondering what options are available to you. At VITAHL Medical Aesthetics, we are proud to offer a number of treatments forPreview Changes (opens in a new window) brown spots. These treatments include chemical peels, laser procedures, IPL treatments, and HydraFacial MD. The right treatment for you depends on multiple factors and will ultimately be determined during a consultation at our office. Oftentimes, a combination approach is best for addressing brown spots.
Some of our treatments are even good for individuals who have very sensitive skin. These procedures will ultimately leave your skin looking fresh and rejuvenated after the treatment. It is important to keep in mind, however, that you may have to visit our office multiple times in order to completely get rid of your brown spots.
Nobody wants to deal with hyperpigmentation. If you would like your brown spots to be minimized, set up a consultation at VITAHL Medical Aesthetics to find out which treatment is right for you. Our specialist can assess your brown spots and address whatever questions or concerns you may have. This is your opportunity to express exactly what it is about your appearance that you dislike and learn about all of your treatment options.
For your convenience, VITAHL Medical Aesthetics has offices located in Chicago. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started on the road to achieving blemish-free skin!